• Barreto R, Ferretti F, Mills Flemming J, Alberto A, Humber A, Worm B, Rosangela L. (2016). Trends in the exploitation of South Atlantic shark populations. Conservation Biology,In Press. 

    • Albertsen C, Kim Whoriskey, David Yurkowski, Anders Neilsen and Joanna Mills Flemming (2015). Fast fitting of non-Gaussian state-space models to animal movement data via Template Model Builder, Ecology, 96(10): 2598-2604.

    • Auger-Methe M, Field C, Albertsen C, Derocher A, Lewis M. Jonsen I, Mills Flemming J. (2016). State-space models' dirty little secrets: even simple linear Gaussian models can have parameter and state estimation problems. Scientific Reports, 6(26677).

    • Hussey N, Kessel S, Aarestrup K, Cooke S, Cowley P, Fisk A, Harcourt R, Holland K, Iverson S, Kocik J, Mills Flemming J, Whoriskey F. (2015). Aquatic animal telemetry: a panoramic window into the underwater world. Science. 348(6240).

    • Laurie Baker, Joanna Elizabeth Mills Flemming, Ian D Jonsen, Damian C Lidgard, Sara J Iverson, W Don Bowen (2015). A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Behavior of Instrumented Grey Seals Used to Sample the Environment, Movement Ecology 3(20): doi:10.1186/s40462-015-0047-4.

    • Ximing Xu, Eva Cantoni, Joanna Mills Flemming, Chris Field (2015). Robust state space models for estimating fish stock maturities, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43(1), 133-150.

    • White, Easton R., Mark C. Myers, Joanna Mills Flemming, and Julia K. Baum (2015). Shifting elasmobranch community assemblage at Cocos Island, an isolated marine protected area. Conservation Biology, in press. 

    • Cosandey-Godin A, Krainski ET, Worm B, Mills Flemming, JE (2015). Applying Bayesian spatio-temporal models to fisheries bycatch in the Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, in press.

    • Baker LL, Jonsen ID, Mills Flemming JE, Lidgard DC, Bowen WD, Iverson SJ, Webber, DM. (2014) Probability of Detecting Marine Predator-Prey and Species Interactions Using Novel Hybrid Acoustic Transmitter-Receiver Tags. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98117. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098117.   

    • Carson, S and Mills Flemming, JE (2014). Seal encounters at sea: A contemporary spatial approach using R-INLA. Ecological Modelling, 291:175-181.
    • Eduardo G Martins, Lee F G Gutowsky, Philip M Harrison, Joanna E Mills Flemming, Ian D Jonsen, David Z Zhu, Alf Leake, David A Patterson, Michael Power and Steven J Cooke (2014). Behavioral attributes of turbine entrainment risk for adult resident fish revealed by acoustic telemetry and state-space modeling, Animal Biotelemetry, 2:13.

    • Farmer, R.G., Leonard, M.L., Mills Flemming, J. E. and Anderson, S. C. (2014) Observer aging and long-term avian survey data quality, to appear in Ecology and Evolution.

    • Mills Flemming, J. and Field, C.J. (2014). Challenges in Marine Statistical Ecology, Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook.

    • Cóilín Minto, Joanna Mills Flemming, Gregory Lee Britten, Boris Worm. (2014) Productivity dynamics of Atlantic cod, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,  10.1139/cjfas-2013-0161.

    • Magera AM, Mills Flemming JE, Kaschner K, Christensen LB, Lotze HK (2013) Recovery Trends in Marine Mammal Populations. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077908.
    • Calvert, A. M., Mackenzie, S. A., Mills Flemming, J., Taylor, P. D. and Walde, S. J. (2012). Variation in Songbird Migratory Behaviour Offers Clues About Adaptability to Environmental Change, Oecologia, 168(3):849-61.
    • Breed, G.A., Costa, D.P., Jonsen, I.D., Robinson, P.W., Flemming, J.M. (2012). State-space methods for more completely capturing behavioral dynamics from animal tracks. Ecological Modelling, 235-236: 49-58.
    • Anderson, S., Mills Flemming, J., Watson, R. and Lotze, H. (2011). Rapid Global Expansion of Invertebrate Fisheries: Trends, Drivers, and Ecosystem Effects, PLoS ONE.
    • Mills Flemming, J., Jonsen, I., Field, C. and Myers, R. (2010). Hierarchical State-Space Estimation of Animal Navigation Ability, PLoS ONE.
    • Trebilco, R., Halpern, B. S., Mills Flemming, J., Field, C. Blanchard, W. and Worm, B. (2011). Mapping Biodiversity and Human Impact Drivers to Assess Open Ocean Conservation Priorities, Biological Conservation, 144:1758-1766.
    • Anderson, S., Mills Flemming, J., Watson, R. and Lotze, H. (2010). Serial exploitation of global sea cucumber fisheries, Fish and Fisheries. 
    • Ward-Paige, C., Mills Flemming, J. and Lotze, H. (2010). Overestimating Fish Counts by Non- Instantaneous Visual Censuses: Consequences for Population and Community Descriptions, PLoS ONE.
    • Cantoni, E., Mills Flemming, J. and Ronchetti, E. (2010). Variable Selection in Additive Models by Nonnegative Garrote, Statistical Modelling , 11(3):237-252.
    • Mills Flemming, J., Cantoni, E. Field, C. and McLaren, I. (2010). Extracting Long-Term Patterns of Populations Changes from Sporadic Counts of Migrant Birds, Environmetrics, 21(5), pp 482-492.
    • Calvert, A. M. , Bonner, S. J., Jonsen, I. D., Mills Flemming, J., Walde, S. J. and Taylor, P. D. (2009). A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Multi-state mark-recapture: simulations and applications, Journal of Applied Ecology , 46, pp 610-620.
    • Almeida, E., Dowd, M., Mills Flemming, J. and Li, W. (2009). Extraction of Interannual Trends in Seasonal Events for Ecological Time Series, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 7, pp 833-847.
    • Hellou, J., Leonard, J., Cook, A., Doe, K., Dunphy, K., Jackman, P., Tremblay, L. and Mills Flemming, J. (2008). Comparison of the partitioning of pesticides relative to the survival and behaviour of exposed amphipods, Ecotoxicology, 18(1), pp 27-33.
    • Marklevitz, S., Almeida, E., Flemming, J. and Hellou, J. (2008).  Determining the Bioavailability of Contaminants and Assessing the Quality of Sediments. (Parts 1 and 2): Behavioural Response of Snails, Ilyanassa obsoleta, Towards Contaminated Sediments, Journal of Soils and Sediments.
    • Fox, S., Mackenzie, L., Mills Flemming, J. and Warren, A. (2007). The Effectiveness of Transtelephonic Monitoring of Pacemaker Function in Pediatric Patients, Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology, 30(6), pp 725-729.
    • Cantoni, E., Field, C., Mills Flemming, J. and Ronchetti, E. (2007). Longitudinal Model Selection by Cross-Validation In the Case of Many Covariates, Statistics in Medicine, 26(4), pp 913-930.
    • Mills Flemming, J., Field, C., Myers, R., Jonsen, I. (2006). How Well Can Animals Navigate? Estimating the Circle of Confusion from Satellite Telemetry, Environmetrics, 17(4), pp 351-362.
    • Dupuis, D., and Mills Flemming, J. (2006). Modeling Peak Accelerations from Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,35, pp 969-987.
    • Jonsen, I., Mills Flemming, J. and Myers, R. (2005). Robust State-Space Modeling of Animal Movement Data, Ecology, 86(11), pp 2874-2880.
    • Cantoni, E., Mills Flemming, J., Ronchetti, E. (2005). Variable Selection for Marginal Longitudinal Generalized Linear Models, Biometrics, 61(2), pp 507-514.
    • Jonsen, I., Myers, R., and Mills Flemming, J. (2003). Meta-Analysis of Animal Movement Using State-Space Models, Ecology, 84(11), pp 3055-3063.
    • Mulcaster J., Mills, J., Hung, O., MacQuarrie, K., Law, A., Pytka, S., Imrie, D., Field, C. (2003). Laryngoscopic Intubation: Learning and Performance, Anesthesiology 98:1.
    • Mills, J.E., Field, C.J, Dupuis, D.J. (2002). Marginally Specified Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Robust Approach, Biometrics 58(4), pp 727-734.
    • Hung, O. and Mills, J., (2000) Predictions and Clinical Decisions: A Fine Balance, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 47:8, pp 721-724.
    • Mills, J.E., (2000) The Analysis of Longitudinal Binary Data, Ph.D. Thesis, Dalhousie University.
    • Dupuis, D. J. and Mills, J.E. (1998). Robust Estimation of the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 47:1, pp 88-95.
    • Mills, J.E., (1997) Robust Estimation of the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, M.Sc. Thesis, Technical University of Nova Scotia.