Barreto R, Ferretti F, Mills Flemming J, Alberto A, Humber A, Worm B, Rosangela L. (2016). Trends in the exploitation of South Atlantic shark populations. Conservation Biology,In Press.
Albertsen C, Kim Whoriskey, David Yurkowski, Anders Neilsen and Joanna Mills Flemming (2015). Fast fitting of non-Gaussian state-space models to animal movement data via Template Model Builder, Ecology, 96(10): 2598-2604.
Auger-Methe M, Field C, Albertsen C, Derocher A, Lewis M. Jonsen I, Mills Flemming J. (2016). State-space models' dirty little secrets: even simple linear Gaussian models can have parameter and state estimation problems. Scientific Reports, 6(26677).
Hussey N, Kessel S, Aarestrup K, Cooke S, Cowley P, Fisk A, Harcourt R, Holland K, Iverson S, Kocik J, Mills Flemming J, Whoriskey F. (2015). Aquatic animal telemetry: a panoramic window into the underwater world. Science. 348(6240).
Laurie Baker, Joanna Elizabeth Mills Flemming, Ian D Jonsen, Damian C Lidgard, Sara J Iverson, W Don Bowen (2015). A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Spatiotemporal Behavior of Instrumented Grey Seals Used to Sample the Environment, Movement Ecology 3(20): doi:10.1186/s40462-015-0047-4.
Ximing Xu, Eva Cantoni, Joanna Mills Flemming, Chris Field (2015). Robust state space models for estimating fish stock maturities, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43(1), 133-150.
White, Easton R., Mark C. Myers, Joanna Mills Flemming, and Julia K. Baum (2015). Shifting elasmobranch community assemblage at Cocos Island, an isolated marine protected area. Conservation Biology, in press.
Cosandey-Godin A, Krainski ET, Worm B, Mills Flemming, JE (2015). Applying Bayesian spatio-temporal models to fisheries bycatch in the Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, in press.
Baker LL, Jonsen ID, Mills Flemming JE, Lidgard DC, Bowen WD, Iverson SJ, Webber, DM. (2014) Probability of Detecting Marine Predator-Prey and Species Interactions Using Novel Hybrid Acoustic Transmitter-Receiver Tags. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98117. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098117.
- Carson, S and Mills Flemming, JE (2014). Seal encounters at sea: A contemporary spatial approach using R-INLA. Ecological Modelling, 291:175-181.
Eduardo G Martins, Lee F G Gutowsky, Philip M Harrison, Joanna E Mills Flemming, Ian D Jonsen, David Z Zhu, Alf Leake, David A Patterson, Michael Power and Steven J Cooke (2014). Behavioral attributes of turbine entrainment risk for adult resident fish revealed by acoustic telemetry and state-space modeling, Animal Biotelemetry, 2:13.
Farmer, R.G., Leonard, M.L., Mills Flemming, J. E. and Anderson, S. C. (2014) Observer aging and long-term avian survey data quality, to appear in Ecology and Evolution.
Mills Flemming, J. and Field, C.J. (2014). Challenges in Marine Statistical Ecology, Statistics in Action: A Canadian Outlook.
Cóilín Minto, Joanna Mills Flemming, Gregory Lee Britten, Boris Worm. (2014) Productivity dynamics of Atlantic cod, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 10.1139/cjfas-2013-0161.
- Magera AM, Mills Flemming JE, Kaschner K, Christensen LB, Lotze HK (2013) Recovery Trends in Marine Mammal Populations. PLoS ONE 8(10): e77908. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077908.
- Calvert, A. M., Mackenzie, S. A., Mills Flemming, J., Taylor, P. D. and Walde, S. J. (2012). Variation in Songbird Migratory Behaviour Offers Clues About Adaptability to Environmental Change, Oecologia, 168(3):849-61.
- Breed, G.A., Costa, D.P., Jonsen, I.D., Robinson, P.W., Flemming, J.M. (2012). State-space methods for more completely capturing behavioral dynamics from animal tracks. Ecological Modelling, 235-236: 49-58.
- Anderson, S., Mills Flemming, J., Watson, R. and Lotze, H. (2011). Rapid Global Expansion of Invertebrate Fisheries: Trends, Drivers, and Ecosystem Effects, PLoS ONE.
- Mills Flemming, J., Jonsen, I., Field, C. and Myers, R. (2010). Hierarchical State-Space Estimation of Animal Navigation Ability, PLoS ONE.
- Trebilco, R., Halpern, B. S., Mills Flemming, J., Field, C. Blanchard, W. and Worm, B. (2011). Mapping Biodiversity and Human Impact Drivers to Assess Open Ocean Conservation Priorities, Biological Conservation, 144:1758-1766.
- Anderson, S., Mills Flemming, J., Watson, R. and Lotze, H. (2010). Serial exploitation of global sea cucumber fisheries, Fish and Fisheries.
- Ward-Paige, C., Mills Flemming, J. and Lotze, H. (2010). Overestimating Fish Counts by Non- Instantaneous Visual Censuses: Consequences for Population and Community Descriptions, PLoS ONE.
- Cantoni, E., Mills Flemming, J. and Ronchetti, E. (2010). Variable Selection in Additive Models by Nonnegative Garrote, Statistical Modelling , 11(3):237-252.
- Mills Flemming, J., Cantoni, E. Field, C. and McLaren, I. (2010). Extracting Long-Term Patterns of Populations Changes from Sporadic Counts of Migrant Birds, Environmetrics, 21(5), pp 482-492.
- Calvert, A. M. , Bonner, S. J., Jonsen, I. D., Mills Flemming, J., Walde, S. J. and Taylor, P. D. (2009). A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach to Multi-state mark-recapture: simulations and applications, Journal of Applied Ecology , 46, pp 610-620.
- Almeida, E., Dowd, M., Mills Flemming, J. and Li, W. (2009). Extraction of Interannual Trends in Seasonal Events for Ecological Time Series, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 7, pp 833-847.
- Hellou, J., Leonard, J., Cook, A., Doe, K., Dunphy, K., Jackman, P., Tremblay, L. and Mills Flemming, J. (2008). Comparison of the partitioning of pesticides relative to the survival and behaviour of exposed amphipods, Ecotoxicology, 18(1), pp 27-33.
- Marklevitz, S., Almeida, E., Flemming, J. and Hellou, J. (2008). Determining the Bioavailability of Contaminants and Assessing the Quality of Sediments. (Parts 1 and 2): Behavioural Response of Snails, Ilyanassa obsoleta, Towards Contaminated Sediments, Journal of Soils and Sediments.
- Fox, S., Mackenzie, L., Mills Flemming, J. and Warren, A. (2007). The Effectiveness of Transtelephonic Monitoring of Pacemaker Function in Pediatric Patients, Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology, 30(6), pp 725-729.
- Cantoni, E., Field, C., Mills Flemming, J. and Ronchetti, E. (2007). Longitudinal Model Selection by Cross-Validation In the Case of Many Covariates, Statistics in Medicine, 26(4), pp 913-930.
- Mills Flemming, J., Field, C., Myers, R., Jonsen, I. (2006). How Well Can Animals Navigate? Estimating the Circle of Confusion from Satellite Telemetry, Environmetrics, 17(4), pp 351-362.
- Dupuis, D., and Mills Flemming, J. (2006). Modeling Peak Accelerations from Earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,35, pp 969-987.
- Jonsen, I., Mills Flemming, J. and Myers, R. (2005). Robust State-Space Modeling of Animal Movement Data, Ecology, 86(11), pp 2874-2880.
- Cantoni, E., Mills Flemming, J., Ronchetti, E. (2005). Variable Selection for Marginal Longitudinal Generalized Linear Models, Biometrics, 61(2), pp 507-514.
- Jonsen, I., Myers, R., and Mills Flemming, J. (2003). Meta-Analysis of Animal Movement Using State-Space Models, Ecology, 84(11), pp 3055-3063.
- Mulcaster J., Mills, J., Hung, O., MacQuarrie, K., Law, A., Pytka, S., Imrie, D., Field, C. (2003). Laryngoscopic Intubation: Learning and Performance, Anesthesiology 98:1.
- Mills, J.E., Field, C.J, Dupuis, D.J. (2002). Marginally Specified Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Robust Approach, Biometrics 58(4), pp 727-734.
- Hung, O. and Mills, J., (2000) Predictions and Clinical Decisions: A Fine Balance, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 47:8, pp 721-724.
- Mills, J.E., (2000) The Analysis of Longitudinal Binary Data, Ph.D. Thesis, Dalhousie University.
- Dupuis, D. J. and Mills, J.E. (1998). Robust Estimation of the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 47:1, pp 88-95.
- Mills, J.E., (1997) Robust Estimation of the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution, M.Sc. Thesis, Technical University of Nova Scotia.